"Typical big-business historical database has grown a hundredfold in size in the past five years"
ResourcesTRENDS IN DATA QUALITYThe drivers of data and information quality (IQ) often show up as breakdowns - in the accuracy of data, the procedures around data operations and the usability of data. In response, enterprises will make a commitment to managing and improving the quality of data as an enterprise resource. Article THE IMPACT AND COST OF INFORMATION QUALITY LAPSES Responses from the TDWI-Forrester Quarterly Technology Survey (May 2004) indicate that information and data quality defects fall into a variety of broad categories (see Figure 1). Respondents identified between three and four of these issues..... Article THE BANE OF CRM DATA QUALITY The key to successful customer CRM, BI and data warehousing (DW) ventures is data quality. The most elegant system in the world will fail without it. The simplest systems can deliver amazing results if they operate on clean data. Article DATA QUALITY: IS GIGO A THING OF THE PAST? These days, we rarely hear the old saw, "garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)", but it used to be a very common explanation for the mediocre performance of database operations. The fact that we do not hear that expression as often, however, does not mean that the problem has gone away. Article THE DATA QUALITY PROBLEM The lack of accurate data costs organizations dearly in correction activities, lost customers, missed opportunities, and incorrect decisions. Most corporations are very much unaware of the magnitude of the costs. Most corporations are unaware of the extent of inaccurate data in their systems. Article |
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